Bodi Alchemy | Holistic Healing for Body, Mind, and Soul

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Creating the space

I have found that something we as human beings find challenging, is sitting in the space.

That gap between letting something old go, and awaiting the new to come in.

That gap when we know something is no longer working for us, but we don’t quite yet know what’s yet to come.

However what I have noticed of late and many times before, is that when our energy is needy or forceful, when we can feel ourself doing something hastily or just to fill the gap, it often cannot bring in the right thing we really need or desire.

So what is the alternative?

In order to bring in something aligned into our life, something truly meant for us, whether a relationship, work opportunity, friendship or whatever it may be, we need to sit in the space.

And before we even do that, we need to create the space in the first place. Remove what is no longer working. Let it go. The new cannot come in when we are clinging to the old.

And once we have done this, that is when we are called to cultivate patience.

Knowing that what is meant for us cannot pass us by.

That by allowing ourselves to feel the discomfort and emptiness of not knowing what is next in store, we are actually preparing ourselves, wiping the slate clean if you like, for a new chapter.

And it is only from this space, this calm, centred, patient place, that the Universe can deliver what it truly is that we desire, into our life.